Theme: "The Friend I never saw coming" - A friendship that started in the most surprising way
- The competition is free and open to everyone in the age group of 10-16 years old.
- Participants can submit only one entry.
Submission Guidelines
- Entries must be original, unpublished works of fiction. They should not be AI generated.
- Stories should be written in English.
- Word count: 1,500 to 3,000 words.
- Submissions must be typed and submitted in Word or PDF format.
- Submissions must be accompanied by a cover page with the participant’s name, a copy of ID proof with a photo (school ID will work too), age, contact information (phone and email), and story title.
- All submissions to be emailed to
Rules and Regulations
- Plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification.
- Entries must adhere to the theme and word count guidelines.
- The decisions of the judges are final and binding.
- Submission deadline – 30 June 2025
Judging Criteria
- Creativity and originality
- Relevance to the theme
- Story structure and plot development
- Characterization and dialogue
- Grammar, punctuation, and spelling
- Top 15 stories will be published in an anthology book on Amazon with due credits to the authors
- Young Authors Showcase on Read A Kitaab Instagram page – Top 3 winners will be interviewed by Read a Kitaab and the interview will be streamed on social media if permitted by the parents / legal guardians
- Achievement Badges for best plot twist, most creative character, best dialogues
- Cash prizes - First Prize: INR 7,500, Second Prize: INR 5,000 and Third Prize: INR 2,500
- Top 15 winners will be given Certificates of Achievement and will be invited to an exclusive workshop conducted by Sanjana Kanamarlapudi on how to market your book as a young author
Winners Announcement: September 15
Contact Information
For any inquiries regarding the competition, please contact: